Since we’ve been in Sofia, I’ve developed a preference for public transportation, especially the bus. I ride the bus whenever it works with our plans/destination. Why?
I like riding the bus because it give me time to pray. More specifically, it’s one time in my daily routine when instead of praying for “the people of Sofia/Bulgaria/Europe,” I can pray for specific people. I sit on the bus, and for the 20-60 minutes it takes to get to my destination, I pray for the people sitting around me.
I pray for the babas (grandmothers) getting on an off slowly, painstakingly carrying home produce from the market. I pray for the mothers, carrying their toddlers onto the bus. I pray for the business men, standing on the bus answering emails with their free hand while holding on with the other.
I appreciate the opportunity to pray for specific people, rather then in generalities. Maybe one day, someone I prayed for on the bus will show up at church. Now wouldn’t that be exciting?
What “tools/time” do you use to pray for the people in your country? Any tips for including more prayer time in your day?