I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s much simpler then I would have at first thought (Shocker. Or not.) Since writing THIS, the word lavish has been swimming around in my grey matter. Sometime in the last 48 hours, this
has merged with this:
Here’s the nugget I uncovered. If we go, to serve, and we live lives of love, displaying that love with action and truth, then we are doing missions. In the best possible way. It’s simple, yet so very complex. It’s living as Christ did, following His example, leading people to the Father of their souls.
While attending some missions training recently, we discussed the meaning of incarnational living. It took me a while, but it has recently “clicked” with me- incarnational living is just what I’ve been pondering. It’s living a life of lavish love, serving with the heart of Christ. No missions formula could ever come close to the power of that simple equation.
This is not anything NEW, really. Just a refresher, a reminder, a new life breathed into a previously learned truth. A word with a brand new relevance for me.
Interested in a little more reading on “Lavish?” Check THIS OUT. Apparently, lavishing love is a two-way street. How very inspirational.