1. There is fresh produce everywhere. I mean, everywhere. Little stands on the sidewalk, larger markets in the center, and shops with produce stands in front of them. I know this will change come winter, and I will really miss it.
2. The Bulgarians are very friendly, but generally will not start a conversation with a stranger. If we start a conversation, even with a simple comment, it will often lead to hour-long conversations. This is challenging for one of us, not so much for the other (guess which?).
3. There are many rules for driving here. Not many of them are obeyed. Except when they are, and then we are usually the only ones who didn’t get the memo.
4. Bulgarian is a very challenging language. Much more for one of us then for the other. (guess which? Hint: It’s the opposite of #2). The Bulgarians love it when we attempt to speak their language. They usually warm up to us right away if we (read: Alyssa) can manage a few sentences.
5. It is a highly valued skill here to speak English. It’s often difficult to practice Bulgarian, because people frequently prefer to practice their English on us.
6. Salads in Bulgaria include lettuce about 5% of the time. The rest of the time, cucumbers, yogurt, and/or tomatoes serve as the base, with other toppings added in for variety. Salad dressing is nearly non-existent, with the exception of oil and vinegar.
7. Cheese comes generally in 2 varieties: white (feta) and yellow (kinda-sorta like mozzerella). Other cheeses are available, but for a much higher price.
8. Almost everyone lives in apartments. Houses are considered expensive to heat and maintain, and are less desirable to the average Bulgarian.
9. Bulgarians are passionate and enthusiastic, but you may never discover that until you build relationships with them. They are outwardly quite reserved… unless you get in their way while driving.
10. Bulgaria is a wonderful place, full of beautiful landscapes and architecture. It is exactly the right place for our family, at least for this season. :)
Thank you for sharing your impressions of Sofia/Bulgaria. I will come to visit in September Sofia and am allready looking forward for it.